Saturday, January 24, 2009

The impact of change

Watching President Obama's inauguration earlier this week had a huge impact on me. Not only because of what he has promised his administration will bring - transparent government, strong foreign diplomacy, a focus on science and technology, and economic changes that are sorely needed - but also because as he spoke of Iraq I realized that a change in policy here means a change in my job here as well. As military units begin to leave the country, so will the site managers that support our linguists in the field and even the linguists themselves. I hope that the need for my services last as long as my desire to be here, but if I leave early for that reason it can't be all that bad right?

President Obama's portrait above, taken by White House photographer Pete Souza, was taken using the same camera that I just ordered for myself -- the Canon 5d Mark II. If its good enough for him, its good enough for me too.

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